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Its cold out.

its dark. the wolves sound its cold , I wrapped up and lay on the ground. I feel the frost bite my lip. I shout hello I only hear my ecco. this land is empty, I smile. when im alone I feel worth while. I feel alive. the skys are black with a dark lining… Continue reading Its cold out.

depression · help · humanity · issues · my story · people · poetry · your story

A poem of a girl who needs to learn.

couldnt control her anger last night look where it got her . face destroyed hands cut. shes a beautiful daughter. throwing herself to the floor breaking things. screaming loud and punchin doors. yeah thats the life choose. a smart young girl! threw her life away, got traped inside the thug world. keep it up little… Continue reading A poem of a girl who needs to learn.

depression · dream · help · humanity · issues · my story · poetry · Uncategorized · your story

HUMANITY lives on!!!

this is a video i came across one evening about a month back and since watching i have not been able to shake it from my mind. it is purely AMAZING, this video just shows you how anyone along the street may look normal, but everyone has something to share … this is something i would love to do in my town but im nearly sure that kind of humanity is forgotten where I live. i hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

depression · dream · help · humanity · issues · my story · poetry · Uncategorized · your story

dreaming big


I am 18 years old with a crazy head.
I feel I dont want the same life people live these days.
I believe the world is too manufactured and I belive people now live to work, rather work to live.
I write a lot and spent all of my time, possibly too much of my time dreaming and visualising things that dont seem possible to others “realistic” if you want to call it.
I hope some day I can do something with my writing or my caring nature like travel to places to help people who need another chance at life.  my dreams are 100% possible.
Just how to get there but life has done me well gifting me with the brain I have and the nature of my life so I am sure one day I will get somewhere. I dont mind where just as long as I am happy, doing something I enjoy.